Real-time Aggregation, Analysis and Execution
Liquidity and price analytics from raw trades and order books

In-Depth Analysis
Analyze raw trade and order book data for deep analysis
Pre-computed metrics to save you time & money
Custom modeling using the latest machine learning techniques
Real-time Data, Global Coverage
Stay on top of the market with data from over 50+ Exchanges across five continents
Gapless, complete trade histories for 17,000+ Tradable Assets
Complete price and volume transparency

More Signals, Less Noise
Big data architecture normalizes and cleans all information for easy comparison across sources and timelines
Easily analyze arbitrage and market impact from Exchanges around the world
Backtest strategies across thousands of tradable assets
Technology Solutions
Unique Insights from Uncommon Data Sources

Search Index
Changes in search volume activity can be an indication of organic interest or strong community.

Blockchain Activity
Transaction and wallet activity can give insights into the adoption and use cases of blockchain projects.

Github Analytics
Analyze and track the software development process of major crypto projects.
Need real-time data or custom analytics?
Our team builds custom analytics products.
Low latency, complete coverage for spot, margin, derivatives and lending.
OTC Desks
Optimize pricing & liquidity for medium, small and micro-cap assets.
Real-time quote and execution for when the time comes to liquidate some inventory.